1lb White Melt & Pour Soap
3/8tsp Isopropyl Alcohol
1Tbsp Fragrance Oil
1/8tsp Pink Mica
Cut melt and pour soap into small pieces, add to a microwave safe container then microwave in 30 second bursts until the soap is fully melted.
To a separate container, add mica and isopropyl alcohol and mix until mica no longer has clumps.
Add fragrance oil to melted soap and stir.
Pour half of melted soap into the container with mica and alcohol and mix until color is fully incorporated.
Simultaneously pour uncolored soap and pink soap into soap mold by holding one container in your right hand and the other container in your left and pouring at the same time.
Let soap sit until completely solid and unmold.
Note: In order to get rid of air bubbles, spray isopropyl alcohol on soap before letting them dry.
